SSH Telnet in Shared Hosting
SSH access could be permitted with a mouse click from the Hepsia Control Panel if the Linux shared hosting package you have chosen offers this feature as standard. If not, you can include it via the Add Services/Upgrades section of your Control Panel and enable it instantly. You'll discover all the details which you need within the SSH section of the Control Panel - the host, the port number and the username that you must use, as well as detailed Help articles in which we've listed the commands that you can use within the account and examples of the syntax you have to use. The SSH password can be changed from the same section anytime with a couple of mouse clicks. Assuming that SSH access is enabled, you'll also be able to connect safely through an FTP client as well. With an SFTP connection, each of the files you upload shall go through an encrypted connection.
SSH Telnet in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you have a semi-dedicated server account with us, you'll be able to obtain SSH access to it with a mouse click from the corresponding section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, supplied with all accounts. If your plan does not support this function by default, you will be able to include it easily through the Upgrades menu. Once you go to the SSH section, you will find the info which you need to connect to the server through a command line or a desktop application - the server/host, the port number, the username and the password. The latter could be updated anytime, if necessary. These login credentials are also essential if you want to upload files via a secure connection and you wish to use SFTP, which is also part of the SSH access service which we offer. An extensive list of the commands which you can execute will offer you a better idea of what tasks you may perform inside your account and each is accompanied by a couple of examples of the syntax.