Dropbox Backups in Shared Hosting
You can use Dropbox for backups regardless of the shared hosting package that you choose when you sign up and the feature will be available inside the Hepsia CP that comes with all accounts. Linking one or even a number of Dropbox accounts takes simply a couple of clicks and the moment the connection with our system is created, you'll be able to select if all your information shall be backed up there or just particular websites and databases. This depends upon the size of the content material that you have on our end and what amount of space you have within your Dropbox account. The number of backups you may have ranges from three to fourteen and our system shall generate a new one every day, so you could have a copy of your files for up to 14 days back and you'll be able to access them on your PC as conventional folders and files. You will be able to change the websites or the number of backups anytime. This functionality is an outstanding addition to the backups that we'll keep of your entire content 4 times daily. If you no longer want your Dropbox account to be linked to our system, you'll be able to remove it with simply a click inside your Control Panel.
Dropbox Backups in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You will be able to make use of the Dropbox backups with every semi-dedicated hosting packages that we supply and linking the 2 accounts is really simple. Our advanced Hepsia hosting CP will permit you to customize the procedure, so that you will be able to choose how many copies of your data will be kept on the Dropbox servers and if everything will be backed up or only specific sites and databases. Either option could be changed whenever you want and the maximum daily backups which you can have at one time is 14 given that you have enough free space on their end. This function is very useful in case you would like to have a copy of your sites on your PC given that the synchronization with the Dropbox servers is automatic and you will not have to download anything by hand. We also generate backups 4 times each day of all your information and this feature just adds more security to any valuable info that you have inside your semi-dedicated server account.
Dropbox Backups in Dedicated Hosting
You can link a Dropbox account to any one of our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages as long as you get it with the in-house developed Hepsia Control Panel. The setup is very easy and takes just a couple of clicks, so you could have a copy of your content material both on the Dropbox servers and on your personal computer the same exact day you link the 2 accounts. If you don't have much space in Dropbox or you have lots of content on the dedicated server and you do not require all of it, you can select particular domain or subdomain folders and databases to be backed up as well as how many copies to be saved at any given time. Our system is quite flexible, thus you'll be able to change the sites and the amount of daily backups whenever you want. The Dropbox account can be disconnected whenever you want, therefore if you no longer wish to employ the service or you have decided to use our in-house backup service along with all other administration tasks that we offer with our Managed Services upgrade, you can turn off this feature with just a click.